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Hadeon (Human, Clc5) - 15006xp
Roxi (Gnome, Drd5) - 15006xp
Fasthands (Halfling, Rog5) - 15006xp
Fenrish (Halfing, Wiz5) - 15006xp

XP by session

Harrow Points
Harrow Points can be used to your advantage to change the natural course of events - moments of inspiration or an intervention from your deirty.
Unless otherwise noted, using a Harrow Point takes no action at all.
Wherever a Harrow Point lasts for a specific duration (for an encounter, for example), the DM decides when that duration is officially over.
Harrow Points are allocated using the Harrow Deck. Whenever there is a new reading, all current Harrow Points are lost and you will be given a new allocation.
The Gods are fickle. Harrow Points will not be dealt out equally.

Advantage: Spend a Harrow Point to roll 2d20 and take the highest roll (no further Harrow points are allowed). This must be called out before dice are rolled.
Disadvantage: Spend a Harrow Point to force the DM to roll 2d20 and take the lowest roll (no further Harrow points are allowed). This must be called out before the DM has rolled.
Dodge Bonus: Spend a Harrow Point to gain a +1 Dodge bonus to your Armor Class for one encounter. You can spend up to 3 Harrow Points per encounter to increase your Armor Class in this manner.
Speed Increase: Spend a Harrow Point to increase your base speed by 10 feet for one encounter (you cannot spend multiple Harrow Points to increase your speed further.
Dig Deep: Spend a Harrow Point to help you recover wounds — you heal a number of hit points equal to your level multiplied by your Con (lvl x Con) and 1 point of ability damage (but not ability drain) each time you do so. Using a Harrow Point in this manner is a full round action.
Damage Reduction: Spend a Harrow Point to gain damage reduction 3/—. This damage reduction persists for the duration of the encounter in which you spent the Harrow Point (no further Harrow points are allowed).
Flash of Insight: Spend a Harrow Point to be able to make a one-off skill check in an untrained skill you don’t normally have ranks in. You gain a one-time +3 insight bonus on this skill check.
Greater Turning: Spend a Harrow Point to infuse one turn or rebuke undead attempts — your effective cleric level increases by 2. You can spend up to three Harrow Points at once to perform a Greater Turning. For each Harrow Point you spend on your turn or rebuke undead attempt, your effective cleric level increases by an additional 2 levels, to a maximum bonus of +6.
Pot Luck: Spend a Harrow Point to draw a card from a Harrow Deck. You gain a +4 bonus to the card’s associated ability score for the duration of the current encounter. If the card you draw matches your alignment, the bonus increases to +6.
Death Defying: Spend a Harrow Point to stabilize. Using a Harrow Point in this manner is a full round action.