21st Jan (session 25, Seven Days to the Grave)
Hadeon (Human, Clc5) - 1460xp
Roxi (Gnome, Drd5) - 1460xp
Fenrish (Halfling, Wiz5) - 1460xp
Fasthands (Halfing, Rog5) - 1460xp


Present: Tom, Steve, Spencer, Martin
Harrow Points: Hadeon - 0    Fenrish - 0    Roxi - 2     Fasthands - 2    
Combat Kills: Girrigz, wererats (x7), dire rats (x3), rat swarm
NPC's mentioned:

Korvosa sewers
Recovering their courage, and with Little Bill with them, they re-enter the sewers and re-follow their path back to the wererat warren. Fasthands sneaks ahead and takes aim at one of the wererats, who is badly hurt but raises the alarm. A battle ensues as more wererats emerge from holes in the walls. Fenrish blasts the area with his fiery magic, while Roxy and Fasthands pick off their targets. Hadeon enters into the combat, but is eventually overwhelmed as Girrigz himself enters the combat. After a hard fight, Girrigz offers parley, and they agree to offer his life in return for information about Rolph and the crazy elf.

7th Jan (session 24, Seven Days to the Grave)
Hadeon (Human, Clc5) - 75xp
Roxi (Gnome, Drd5) - 75xp
Fenrish (Halfling, Wiz5) - 75xp
Fasthands (Halfing, Rog5) - 75xp


Present: Tom, Steve, Spencer, Martin
Harrow Points: Hadeon - 1    Fenrish - 0    Roxi - 2     Fasthands - 2    
Combat Kills: Dire rats (x3)
NPC's mentioned:
Korvosa sewers
After delving further into the gruesome sewers, the adventurers finally discover a crack in the wall. Following it, they come face to face with 3 wererats and a horde of dire rats. However, despite overcoming the rats, they find themselves unable to hurt the wererats with their current weapons and make a hasty and chastening retreat.

Returning to the citadel, they spend a few days recovering and buying somwe silver weapons. Hadeon also attracts a new cohort - a dwarven fighter and follower of Pharasma, Little Bill.

10th December (session 23, Seven Days to the Grave)
Hadeon (Human, Clc5) - 750xp
Roxi (Gnome, Drd5) - 750xp
Fenrish (Halfling, Wiz5) - 750xp
Fasthands (Halfing, Rog5) - 750xp
- Fenrish joins the party
- Harp leaves the party

Present: Tom, Steve, Spencer, Martin
Harrow Points: Hadeon - 1    Fenrish - 0    Roxi - 2    Fasthands - 2
Combat Kills: Imps (4), Otyugh
NPC's mentioned:
Korvosa sewers
After more investigation of the discovered letters, the PCs enter the sewers in search of Girrigz. They push deep into the foul darkness and eventually come to a battle between imps and an otyugh. They enter into the combat, but Hadeon finds his mind weak and dives into the slimy sewer liquid at the suggestion of an imp. Fenrish blasts the area with a fireball and Fasthands scoots around the side of the walls to engage in combat. The tricky imps attack, disappear, only to attack elsewhere, but slowly they and the otyugh, which lashes out at everything within reach, are killed. But throughout this, Hadeon cannot get out of the water and slowly his breath ebbs away. With the very last attempt, however, just before he is about to swallow the filthy sludge, Hadeon is rescued.

29th October (session 22, Seven Days to the Grave)
Hadeon (Human, Clc5) - 750xp
Roxi (Gnome, Drd5) - 750xp
Rhogol (Half-orc, Bar5) - 750xp
Fasthands (halfing, Rog5) - 750xp
Harp (Elf, Wiz3, NPC) - 375xp

- Rhogol killed

Present: Tom, Steve, Spencer, Martin
Harrow Points: Hadeon - 1    Rhogol - 0    Roxi - 2    Fasthands - 2    Harp - 6
Combat Kills: Wererat wizard assassin
NPC's mentioned:
Girrigz, Rolph, Elf bitch, Dr Davaulus
Returning to the Bank of Abadar, the cure is handed over to Ishani for inspection. The PC's return to the citadel, but are set upon by some wererats in an assassination attempt. One is a powerful mage who blasts them with his powerful magic, including two fireballs. Rhogol rushes forward into combat but is delayed by a grease spell, allowing the mage to cast several spells on him, causing much damage. Roxi, the druid, brings down a sustained period of lighting to cause the mage much damage, and eventually kill him, but not before Rhogol is killed. They find a letter on the mage from someone called Girrigz, who they remember is a powerful wererat. The letter is from Rolph, a necromancer they previously had dealings with, which implies he is behind the attempt to kill them. It also mentions a mysterious, unnamed female elf.

15th October 2024 (session 21, Seven Days to the Grave)
Hadeon (Human, Clc4) - 1000xp
Roxi (Gnome, Drd4) - 1000xp
Rhogol (Half-orc, Bar4) - 1000xp
Fasthands (halfing, Rog4) - 1000xp
Harp (Elf, Wiz3, NPC) - 500xp

- everyone (except Harp) level up to 5th lvl

Present: Tom, Steve, Spencer, Martin
Harrow Points: Hadeon - 9    Rhogol - 0    Roxi - 2    Fasthands - 4    Harp - 10
Combat Kills: Vendra Lavender, guards (3)
Vendra Lavender, guards (3)
NPC's mentioned:
Lavender's Perfumery, Bank of Abadar
After some downtime spent, which includes a visit to Ishani at the Bank of Abadar, the adventurers are asked to investigate a shop run by Vendra Lavender, who claims to have a cure for the plague. After some initial scouting, where long queues stretch from the shop, and failed attempts to buy some of the cure from people leaving the shop, they decide to make an attack as it is clear (to them, leastways!) that the cure is a fraud. The attack goes smoothly and soon the guards and Vendra are all killed.

1st October (session 20, Seven Days to the Grave)
Hadeon (Human, Clc4) - 1200xp
Roxi (Gnome, Drd4) - 1200xp
Rhogol (Half-orc, Bar4) - 1200xp
Fasthands (halfing, Rog4) - 1200xp
Harp (Elf, Wiz3, NPC) - 600xp

- Harp gains one permanent negative level

Present: Tom, Steve, Spencer, Martin
Harrow Points: Hadeon - 9    Rhogol - 0    Roxi - 2    Fasthands - 4    Harp - 10
Combat Kills: Vampire spawn (4)
NPC's mentioned:
Racker's Alley, Giotorri’s Toys
The brave adventurer's slam the trap door shut and begin to flee. Some escape through the gap they came through, but it is time consuming and soon wispy clouds begin to filter through the trap door and turn into the vampire spawn. Combat ensues both in the toy shop and the alley. The PC's shrug off attempts to dominate them and eventually dispatch the vampire spawn. In the cellar below, makeshift stakes are made and the spawn destroyed forever.

20th August 2024 (session 19, Seven Days to the Grave)
Hadeon (Human, Clc4) - 240xp
Roxi (Gnome, Drd4) - 240xp
Rhogol (Half-orc, Bar4) - 240xp
Fasthands (halfing, Rog4) - 240xp
Harp (Elf, Wiz4) - 240xp

- Rhogol joins the party

Present: Tom, Steve, Ollie, Spencer
Harrow Points: Hadeon - 9    Rhogol - 0    Roxi - 2    Fasthands - 4    Harp - 10
Combat Kills: Vampire spawn
NPC's mentioned:
Racker's Alley (Old Korvosa)
(Continued from previous session) The vampire spawn, still trying to run from the terrible holy symbol of Pharasma, suddenly turns into a gaseous form and slowly makes its escape. Worse, the heap of bodies thrown carelessly together in the alley start to move and another spawn emerges. Before anyone can act, Hadeon is enthralled by her beauty and starts to dance, dance, dance! Others soon start to dance, captivated by her eyes and wishing only to celebrate her beauty in the art of dance. Fasthands alone remains to fight this fearsome foe, firing bolts from his crossbow, but to little avail. Rhogol happens by and moves to assist, but he is quickly into the dancing groove and the party look doomed. However, Harp resists a new suggestion to attack Fasthands, and instead turns his attention to the beguiling spawn. He casts scorching ray, finds his target, and downs the deadly foe, which becomes a vaporous cloud and disappears back into the pile of bodies.

The party suddenly find their feet, no longer compelled to dance. They follow, moving aside the bodies to discover a small gap enough for them to climb through. They gain access to the toy shop, an eerie and strange place, and see a trap door. They open it, trying to kill the spawn in its lair, but below they see the faces of more of the foul creatures staring back at them (to be continued)...

6th August 2024 (session 18, Seven Days to the Grave)
Hadeon (Human, Clc4) - 840xp
Roxi (Gnome, Drd4) - 840xp
Fasthands (halfing, Rog4) - 840xp
Harp (Elf, Wiz4) - 840xp

- Thog killed

Present: Tom, Steve, Martin, Ollie
Harrow Points: Hadeon - 13    Thog - 2    Roxi - 2    Fasthands - 6    Harp - 12
Combat Kills: Varisian Thugs (3 killed, 1 escaped)
Tayce Soldado
NPC's mentioned:
Trail's End, Racker's Alley (Old Korvosa)
With the sickness surging in Korvosa and Cressida Croft otherwise engaged, the PC's are invited for a hearty meal by Tayce Soldado. Taking up the offer, they are also asked to investigate the area for signs of anything that may help understand the plague better, as they will be near where the ship was sunk. The planned evening of entertainment goes badly wrong, however, when they are attacked in Trail's End by a gang of Varisian thugs. The combat is vicious. The leader of the gang casts a spell on himself and then attacks Thog, flanked by one of his Varisian colleagues. Thog takes a couple of hits, but can take no more and is killed. The thugs are eventually killed, though the leader escapes, and the evening at Tayce's is a more sombre affair. Roxi's suggestion to stick Thog's corpse in the corner while they ate was, however, not well received.

A few days later, they are asked to go investigate another pile of bodies in Racker's Alley (Old Korvosa). It is fairly routine, with the bodies discovered in an alley next to a toy shop. It is evening when they approach, but things soon take a turn for the worst when they are attacked by a foul vampire spawn. Hadeon raises his holy symbol of Pharasma from which the foul creature flees. They make chase in order to kill it and with the use of Roxi's summoned bat manage to grapple it and all is looking good. However (to be continued)...

23rd July 2024 (session 17, Seven Days to the Grave)
Hadeon (Human, Clc4) - 360xp
Roxi (Gnome, Drd4) - 360xp
Thog (Half-orc, Ftr4) - 360xp
Fasthands (halfing, Rog4) - 360xp
Harp (Elf, Wiz4) - 360xp


Present: Tom, Steve, Martin, Ollie
Harrow Points: Hadeon - 13    Thog - 2    Roxi - 2    Fasthands - 6    Harp - 12
Combat Kills: otyugh
Trinia Sabor, Vencarlo Orisini, Ishani Dhatri, Dr. Davaulus, Plague Doctors, Grey Maidens
NPC's mentioned:

Bank of Abadar
The PCs receive a message from Vencarlo Orisini asking for them to call him a visit. Upon arriving there, he acts strangely and they soon found out why - Trinia Sabor, who is being sought throughout Korvosa, is in his custody. He explains that Blackjack brought her here, but that it is not safe and she needs to be escorted out of the city. The party agree to do this, though some reluctantly so, and she is eventually helped to escape. They later visit Ishani at the Bank of Abadar. Plague is now spreading throughout the city, as it appears to be deadly and spreads fast. There is a struggle to get past the crowds of sick, but eventually meet with Ishani, who explains his concerns and his desire to meet Cresida Croft. The PC's escort him safely, but upon arriving at Citadel Volshyenek they find Cressida Croft in the courtyard with the company of Dr. Davaulus, Plague Doctors and Grey Maidens, who are a new organisation put together by Queen Illeosa to assist with the plague, though who also appear to have considerable authority. The adventurers question how the doctors could have arrived so soon from overseas - very fortuitous. Finally, Cressida asks the PCs to visit the Gray District, where bodies are being dumped. They find two piles of bodies and encounter an otyugh. After killing it, they burn the corpses.

9th July 2024 (session 16, Seven Days to the Grave)
Hadeon (Human, Clc4) - 160xp
Roxi (Gnome, Drd4) - 160xp
Thog (Half-orc, Ftr4) - 160xp
Fasthands (halfing, Rog4) - 160xp
Harp (Elf, Wiz4) - 160xp


Present: Tom, Steve, Spencer, Ollie
Harrow Points: Hadeon - 15    Thog - 2    Roxi - 2    Fasthands - 6    Harp - 12
Combat Kills: -
Grau, Brienna Soldado, Tayce Soldado, Ishani Dhatri
NPC's mentioned:
Trail’s End, Bank of Abadar
After a well deserved rest, Grau pays them a visit and asks them if they would check over his sister-in-law's (Tayce's) daughter (Brienna) who is very sick. The PCs make their way to Trail's End, a poor area of Korvosa, and meet with them, as well a priest from the Bank of Abadar, Ishani Dhatri. Brienna, they discover, is sick with an unknown illness and near death. They cannot yet cure the girl, but heal her enough to get her story: she found a coffer with coins in it on the coast of the Jaggare River near Northbridge and became sick soon after this. They remember hearing about rumours of a ship that was sunk there by the city watch. They also contract the sickness themselves, though are later cured by scrolls provided by Cressida Croft. The girl is also later cured. During this time, they are visited by Zellara, who warns them of ill omens to come. She also provides them with another Harrow reading. The PCs use this down time to sort through their loot and indulge in some shopping.

28th May 2024 (session 15, Edge of Anarchy)
Hadeon (Human, Clc4) - 400xp
Roxi (Gnome, Drd4) - 400xp
Thog (Half-orc, Ftr4) - 400xp
Fasthands (halfing, Rog4) - 400xp
Harp (Elf, Wiz4) - 400xp

- Harp joins the party

Present: Martin, Steve, Ollie
Harrow Points: Hadeon - 0    Thog - 0    Roxi - 1    Fasthands - 0
Combat Kills: Cabbagehead, carrion golem
Trinia Sabor, Blackjack, carrion golem
NPC's mentioned:
Gaekhen (deceased)
The Dead Warrens, Castle Korvosa
After the killing of the derro necromancer, the forlorn adventurers continue their search for the lost body parts and quickly find his torso. However, they still require the final arm to complete their mission and the search continues. After a combat with a deformed humanoid, prisoners are discovered, though they are not yet freed despite their yells for help. The party eventually head towards the locked door they previously avoided and break in to discover a raging golem, which is soon dispatched and the last body part retrieved. The prisoners are then released and they head back to the citadel.

Upon returning, they report to Field Marshall Cressida Croft, who returns the body parts to the Shoanti. She also informs them that the trial of Trina Sabor is to occur and she wishes for the PC's to watch over events. At the event itself, Queen Illeosa calls for Trinia's execution. As she is about to be beheaded, the infamous Blackjack appears and whisks her away as chaos ensues and the PCs let events unfold.

30th April 2024 (session 14, Edge of Anarchy)
Hadeon (Human, Clc4) - 600xp
Ophellia (Elf, Sor3) - 600xp
Roxi (Gnome, Drd4) - 600xp
Thog (Half-orc, Ftr4) - 600xp
Fasthands (halfing, Rog4) - 600xp

- Ophelia leaves the party
- everyone levels up to 4th level

Present: Tom, Martin, Steve, Spencer
Harrow Points: Hadeon - 0    Ophellia - 2    Thog - 0    Roxi - 1    Fasthands - 0
Combat Kills: derro necromancer
NPC's mentioned:
Gaekhen (deceased), Rolph
The Dead Warrens
After recovering their wounds, the PCs push further into The Dead Warrens, following the narrow caves discovered behind secret doors. They pass through a library into an area shrouded in darkness, where combat ensues with a derro necromancer. The party of adventurers call upon every ounce of incompetence, disappointment and poor dice rolls that their Gods allow and succeed in making a tough combat almost an impossible one. Such is the power of their futility the necromancer eventually runs out of spells and is slain.

16th April 2024 (session 13, Edge of Anarchy)
Hadeon (Human, Clc3) - 270xp
Ophellia (Elf, Sor3) - 270xp
Roxi (Gnome, Drd3) - 270xp
Thog (Half-orc, Ftr3) - 270xp
Fasthands (halfing, Rog3) - 270xp


Present: Tom, Martin, Steve, Spencer, Jeni
Harrow Points: Hadeon - 0    Ophellia - 2    Thog - 0    Roxi - 1    Fasthands - 0
Combat Kills: lesser necrophidia (3)
NPC's mentioned:
Gaekhen (deceased)
The Dead Warrens
Continuing through The Dead Warrens, the mighty warriors discover a room covered in skulls. As they progress into it, they are sprayed with acid and the skulls come to life. Such is the power of these creatures, everyone is soon fascinated with them and they stand motionless while attacked. However, they shake off their fascination and fight back, eventually destroying the creatures. Badly damaged they returned to the Temple of Pharasma for rest and then return. However, they soon found themselves in the dark as their lights are doused and they are attacked by 2 derro, whose hit and run tactics are successful as the party are forced to flee.

19th March 2024 (session 12, Edge of Anarchy)
Hadeon (Human, Clc3) - 810xp
Ophellia (Elf, Sor3) - 810xp
Roxi (Gnome, Drd3) - 810xp
Thog (Half-orc, Ftr3) - 810xp
Fasthands (halfing, Rog3) - 810xp


Present: Tom, Martin, Steve, Spencer, Jeni
Harrow Points: Hadeon - 0    Ophellia - 2    Thog - 0    Roxi - 1    Fasthands - 0
Combat Kills: derro, skeletons (6), owlbear skeleton, otyugh, stirges (2)
Thousand Bones
NPC's mentioned:
Rolph, Gaekhen (deceased)
The Grey District, The Dead Warrens
After returning Trinia to the relative safety of the Citadel, Field Marshall Cressida Croft introduces the PCs to Thousand Bones who explains about the murder of his grandson, Gaekhen. The old Shoanti tribesmen calls on them to return the body. The adventurers go to the Grey District to a mausoleum, where the body resides. The PCs enter the old crypt and are attacked by skeletons, before continuing deeper into the dungeon. After a difficult combat with an otyugh, they find the legs of Gaekhen, but not the rest of his body.

5th March 2024 (session 11, Edge of Anarchy)
Hadeon (Human, Clc3) - 270xp
Ophellia (Elf, Sor3) - 270xp
Roxi (Gnome, Drd3) - 270xp
Thog (Half-orc, Ftr3) - 270xp
Fasthands (halfing, Rog3) - 270xp


Present: Tom, Martin, Steve, Spencer
Harrow Points: Hadeon - 0    Ophellia - 3    Thog - 0    Roxi - 2    Fasthands - 1
Combat Kills: imp, Trinia Sabor, thugs (3)
Trinia Sabor
NPC's mentioned:
The Shingles
Rumours abound that King Eodred II was assassinated, but not by the Queen. Rather, by an artist (and lover) named Trinia Sabor, who poisoned him. Cressida asks the party to assist in her capture, otherwise she will be captured by the mob which is out to get her. Another chase across the rooftops occurs as she tries to use her knowledge of The Shingles to get away. However, the adventurers are too clever and manage to stop her in short order and return her to the citadel.

20th February 2024 (session 10, Edge of Anarchy)
Hadeon (Human, Clc3) - 600xp
Ophellia (Elf, Sor3) - 600xp
Roxi (Gnome, Drd3) - 600xp
Thog (Half-orc, Ftr3) - 600xp
Fasthands (halfing, Rog3) - 600xp


Present: Tom, Martin, Steve
Harrow Points: Hadeon - 0    Ophellia - 4    Thog - 0    Roxi - 4    Fasthands - 3
Combat Kills: ettercap, small spiders (4), medium spider, thugs (4)
NPC's mentioned:
- Devargo Barvasi (King of Spiders)
The Shingles
The PC's are asked to find information on Devargo Barvasi (the King of Spiders) and are provided with the address of an old chapel. Access is through the roof, where it forms part of The Shigles. After a short fight over the rooftops, they find a web-filled old chapel, where they are attacked by spiders and an ettercap. Amongst the ruins the PC's discover invaluable information about Devargo, which they hope will bring him to heel.

6th February 2024 (session 9, Edge of Anarchy)
Hadeon (Human, Clc2) - 600xp
Ophellia (Elf, Sor2) - 600xp
Roxi (Gnome, Drd2) - 600xp
Thog (Half-orc, Ftr2) - 600xp
Fasthands (halfing, Rog2) - 600xp

- everyone levels up to 3rd level

Present: Tom, Martin, Jeni, Steve
Harrow Points: Hadeon - 0    Ophellia - 5    Thog - 0    Roxi - 4    Fasthands - 4
Combat Kills: rats, dire rats (8), rat swarm, Sgt Hazzard (wererat)
NPC's mentioned:
- Darvayne Gios Amprei, Girrigz
After returning empty handed from the King of Spiders, the adventurers are sent out to kill or return Sergeant Hazzard, who has turned renegade. After a long trek through the sewers of Old Korvosa, and fights with a lot of rats, they finally encounter him and combat ensues. Sergeant Hazzard turns out to be wererat yelling about some called "Girrigz" and is eventually killed. Unfortunately, Hadeon is bitten by the wererat during the combat.

23rd January 2024 (session 8, Edge of Anarchy)
Hadeon (Human, Clc2) - 450xp
Ophellia (Elf, Sor2) - 0xp
Roxi (Gnome, Drd2) - 450xp
Thog (Half-orc, Ftr2) - 450xp
Fasthands (halfing, Rog2) - 450xp

Fasthands Ned (Halfling, Rog2) - returns (Steve joins the group)

Present: Spencer, Tom, Martin, Steve
Harrow Points: Hadeon - 0    Ophellia - 5    Thog - 0    Roxi - 4    Fasthands - 4
Combat Kills: tiny spiders, medium spider, thugs (5)
- Devargo Barvasi (King of Spiders)
NPC's mentioned:
- Darvayne Gios Amprei
- Eel's End
The PCs enter Eel's End and make straight for the King of Spiders, where they gain an audience and negotiations occur. The bargaining is semi-successful and Devargo considers the deal while each player plays a game of knievsies, after which the King of Spiders accepts the deal and hands over some letters. The PCs return to the citadel only to realise they've been duped and the letters are worthless. They return and combat ensues and the PCs are defeated and are forced to pay gold to survive, meaning they are 2000gp out of pocket and still have no useful information.

9th January 2024 (session 7, Edge of Anarchy)
Hadeon (Human, Clc2) - 625xp
Ophellia (Elf, Sor2) - 625xp
Roxi (Gnome, Drd2) - 625xp
Thog (Half-orc, Ftr2) - 625xp

Present: Spencer, Tom, Martin, Jeni
Harrow Points: Hadeon - 0    Ophellia - 5    Thog - 3    Roxi - 5
Combat Kills: lobstrosities (3), imp
- Grau, Vencarlo Orsini
NPC's mentioned:
- Darvayne Gios Amprei, Devargo Barvasi (King of Spiders)
- Cheliax, Eel's End
After clearing up All Ends Meat (and an unfortunate 'one more room' encounter with three lobstrosities), the party eventually take Vancasakerkin and return to the citadel. After some well deserved rest, they hear the whereabouts of Grau, who they find in a drunken state in an inn. After several more drinks, they return with him. However, an aerial fight between pseudodragons and imps interrupts their journey and they attract the attention of an irritating imp. Grau spends the combat singing loudly and swinging wildly, until Thog grabs the annoying little creature and Roxi pours acid down its neck. On their return, they meet with Cressida Croft and Vencarlo Orisini. Cressida explains that Chelaxian ambassador called Darvayne Gios Amprei is intending on doing Korvosa some harm. However, they believe a criminal called the King of Spiders may be able to help.

14th November 2023 (session 6, Edge of Anarchy)
Hadeon (Human, Clc2) - 525xp
Ophellia (Elf, Sor2) - 525xp
Roxi (Gnome, Drd2) - 525xp
Thog (Half-orc, Ftr2) - 525xp

Present: Spencer, Tom, Martin, Jeni
Harrow Points: Hadeon - 0    Ophellia - 5    Thog - 3    Roxi - 5
Combat Kills: warriors (4), Vancaskerkin
NPC's mentioned:
- Grau (of the Watch)
- All World's Meat
The party head over to All the World's Meat, where they scout it out. It appears to be legitimate, and they are given free meat after queueing. Ophellia has her raven keep an eye over the shop at night and it follows the movement of two men who are seen murdering someone and returning the body to the butchers. They surmise the meat may well be humanoid (even if not all of it). They break in late at night but struggle to get through the door, alerting those inside. They make their way upstairs where they encounter Vascaskerkin and his henchmen. The combat seems to be going easily, but the tide turns and the adventurers find themselves on the backfoot. Both Hadeon and Thog are knocked unconscious, but they eventually prevail and Vancaskerkin is knocked unconscious.

31st October 2023 (session 5, Edge of Anarchy)
Hadeon (Human, Clc2) - 200xp
Ophellia (Elf, Sor2) - 200xp
Roxi (Gnome, Drd2) - 200xp
Thog (Half-orc, Ftr2) - 200xp

Present: Spencer, Tom, Martin, Jeni
Harrow Points: Hadeon - 0    Ophellia - 5    Thog - 3    Roxi - 5
Combat Kills: commoners (10)
- Jeweller Jack (and his dad), Queen Illeosa, Sabrina Merinn, Field Marshall Cressida Croft
NPC's mentioned:
- Vencaskerkin
- Jack's Jeweller's, Castle Korvosa, Castle Volshyenek
A search of Gaedren's disgusting personal quarters revealed, amongst the loot, a special broken brooch, which attracted the PC's attention - as did the head of the clearly long dead Zellara. They also recovered her harrow deck. After holing up for the night, with violence breaking out for large part of it, they spent the next couple of days laying low as the city erupted into riots, until eventually they were able to sell their loot. The brooch turned out to be one lost by Queen Illeosa, to whom they returned it.

The Queen was extremely grateful and called upon the PCs to serve in her guard to help calm the city and bring it to its senses. They were enrolled under Field Marchall Cressida Croft into the Korvosan Guard, and were told of Vancaskerkin, a deserter who was holed up in a place called All The World's Meat.

3rd October 2023 (session 4, Edge of Anarchy)
Hadeon (Human, Clc1) - 600xp
Ophellia (Elf, Sor1) - 600xp
Roxi (Gnome, Drd1) - 600xp
Thog (Half-orc, Ftr1) - 600xp

+ everyone levels up to 2nd level
Holmar (Human, Brd1) - retired (Mats left the group)
Fasthands Ned (Halfling, Rog1) - retired (Ollie left the group)

Present: Spencer, Tom, Martin
Harrow Points: Hadeon - 0    Ophellia - 5    Thog - 3    Roxi - 5
Combat Kills: Gaedren Lamm, Gobblegut, Lamm's Lambs (saved and freed), Hookshanks
NPC's mentioned:
After looting the blood covered corpses, the PC's continued their search for Gaedren Lamm. Hadeon realised that they seemed to be above a room, or an area of some kind below. A search of the Old Fishery discovered Lamm's Lambs, with Hookshanks - a mean gnome disguised as one of the children - urging them onto combat. Some heavy hitting saw one of the Lambs pummelled to the ground, and two more knocked unconscious before Hookshanks was killed and the rest of the children ran off. After resting and questioning one of the children, the PCs used the rickety old wooden walk way to the side of the Old Fishery to make their way around the building, but it collapsed under Hadeon and he fell through, accidentally discovering another walk way directly below.

Discovering a secret door in an old ship moored there, as well as a door leading to a building underneath the Old Fishery, the adventurers chose the secret door, which crumbled away as they opened it. Simultaneously, Gaedren and Gobblegut emerged from the door and combat followed. With the PC's caught on the narrow walk way. and with spiders at one end and Gaedren at the other, the tight constraints made for heavy going. However, after Gobblegut was finally killed, the chase for Gaedren proved not so difficult and the hobbling old man was soon knocked unconscious and captured.

5th September 2023 (session 3, Edge of Anarchy)
Fasthands Ned (Halfling, Rog1) - 217xp
Hadeon (Human, Clc1) - 217xp
Holmar (Human, Brd1) - 217xp
Ophellia (Elf, Sor1) - 217xp
Roxi (Gnome, Drd1) - 217xp
Thog (Half-orc, Ftr1) - 217xp


Present: Ollie, Spencer, Tom, Martin
Harrow Points: Hadeon - 1    Ophellia - 5    Thog - 4    Fasthands - 8    Roxi - 6    Holmar - 2
Combat Kills: Dog (Bloo), Giggles, Push, Pull, Yargin
Roger "Ble Eyes", Lamm's Lambs
NPC's mentioned:
The Old Fishery
After questioning and burying poor Roger "Blue Eyes" into a chest, with all the dirty pants and socks, and searching the building, the PC's find some documents that mention "The Old Fishery". Some information gathering in the local area leads them to an old building on the dockside known for selling fish cakes, which they stake out and also go try buy some of the fish cakes, which turns out to be more like fish slop and not altogether tasty. They are served by some of the Lambs, who also manage to pilfer some coins from Holmar, and get a general feel for the building.

Later that night they return to break into the Old Fishery, but catch the attention of some of the occupants. Fasthands was immediately struck in the face and Thog almost taken down by a giggling half-orc. Two young well-trained hand-to-hand fighters also entered the combat, along with a heavily armoured dog. A wand wielding old man tried to zap them several times with his wand, but unsuccessfully so, and who seemed to spend most of his time cursing at his useless wand. Ophelia was knock unconscious by one of the young fighters and after being brought around by Roxi, was immediately knocked unconscious again. However, after a tough struggle, the PCs gained the ascendency and emerged victorious.

22nd August 2023 (session 2, Edge of Anarchy)
Fasthands Ned (Halfling, Rog1) - 219xp
Hadeon (Human, Clc1) - 219xp
Holmar (Human, Brd1) - 219xp
Ophellia (Elf, Sor1) - 219xp
Roxi (Gnome, Drd1) - 219xp
Thog (Half-orc, Ftr1) - 219xp


Present: Jeni, Ollie, Spencer, Tom, Mats
Harrow Points: Hadeon - 1    Ophellia - 5    Thog - 4    Fasthands - 8    Roxi - 6    Holmar - 2
Combat Kills: rats (x3), cats (x4), Marcel "Two Daggers", Thugs (x2)
Private Jaws (Korvosan Guard and hater of elves and half-orcs), Marcel "Two Daggers" (killed), "Cutthroat" ("Run! Run for your lives!") Jim (killed), Roger "Blue Eyes" (captured)
NPC's mentioned:
Eran (Zellara's son, murdered by Gaedren)
Gaedren Lamm (crime lord)
Crested Falcon (to Thog, a den of scum and villainy; to everyone else, a posh tavern - located in The Heights), Citadel Volshyenek (headquarters of the Korvosan Guard which stands within Midland), Aram’s Crown (cramped and busy inn off Eodred's Walk), Gemshare Jewellers (off Eodred's Walk), Creaky Hammock (bustling tavern in Midland for sailors and locals), High Bridge (connecting Midland to East Shore)
After failing to locate Gaedren Lamm's headquarters, the PC's sought out info concerning his whereabouts without success. From inns, locals, kids, and even the Korvosan Guard (who had heard of him, but otherwise had no interest), and one kid who led them to a random house after being offered a silver piece, but to no avail. Eventually they returned to their original plan and set a watch over Eodred's Walk, where more pick-pockets were spotted and chased.
     A chase through the area of Midland took them into a substantial sewage system, where they ran into some rats and rescued one of the fleeing pick-pockets. After being badly roughed up by Thog, she took them to her hideout where, after slaughtering some peaceful and harmless cats, they found some info leading them to someone called Marcel "Two Daggers" on Guard Street. A tough scuffle with two thugs and Marcel saw Fasthands floored, and Marcel use trickery to lightning and deadly effect. However, Marcel and one of the thugs were killed, and another captured.

8th August 2023 (session 1, Edge of Anarchy)
Fasthands Ned (Halfling, Rog1) - 50xp
Hadeon (Human, Clc1) - 50xp
Holmar (Human, Brd1) - 50xp
Ophellia (Elf, Sor1) - 50xp
Roxi (Gnome, Drd1) - 50xp
Thog (Half-orc, Ftr1) - 50xp


Present: Jeni, Ollie, Spencer, Tom, Martin, Mats
Harrow Points: Hadeon - 1    Ophellia - 4    Thog - 3    Fasthands - 8    Roxi - 6    Holmar - 2
Combat Kills: Dog
Zellara (Harrow reader)
NPC's mentioned:
Eran (Zellara's son, murdered by Gaedren)
Gaedren Lamm (crime lord)
King Eodred Arabasti II (King of Korvosa)
Queen Ileosa Arabasti (the oh so young Queen of Korvosa)
The PC's met with Zellora, a mysterious Harrow reader. Each found a card calling them to her home. Her son was murdered by Gaedren Lamm, a crime lord known to all the characters. She wants her Harrow Deck returned, which Gaedren has stolen. A Harrow reading was performed which bestowed luck on the PC's (some more than others), who then attempted to locate pick-pockets operating in Eodred's Walk and followed them using Ophellia's raven. However, they lost contact and were attacked by a dog, merely protecting her puppies in an alley. The dog was butchered by Thog and the orphaned puppies stolen by Roxi.